SHARP survey
Survey reports
We would like to express our appreciation to the thousands and thousands of Utah students who choose to participate in the SHARP survey; as well as our appreciation to their parents for allowing them to do so. Your willingness to participate has helped families and communities throughout the state in many different ways.
The knowledge we’ve gained from the SHARP survey is invaluable—because it tells us where to look for problems and solutions. Local health departments, local prevention coalitions, local schools and school districts, superintendents, health systems, public health professionals, and most importantly, parents use SHARP data to develop programs and services to help Utah youth and families.
State, regional, and demographic reports
Reports with aggregate data at the state, region, and demographics level are available below. These reports are grouped by the year in which the survey was given. These reports do not contain any identifying information about students.
You can also search this data using the SHARP webtool or IBIS-PH website (under the “Utah Prevention Needs Assessment” or “Youth Risk Behavior Survey” data query tab).
School district reports
Right now, school district or school-level data reports are not shared publicly online. These reports are only available from your local school district or school. District authorities (like superintendents or lead administrators of charter schools) have password-protected access to see their district-level data in the SHARP webtool. These reports do not contain any identifying information about students.
We do not release data in any of these reports unless there are a minimum of 20 students. This helps protect the confidentiality and data privacy of students and school districts.