Designated Examiner

Designated Examiner (DE) defined

Under UCA 26B-5-301, a Designated Examiner is defined as a licensed physician familiar with severe mental illness, if possible a psychiatrist, identified by the Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (SUMH) as specially qualified by training or experience in the diagnosis of mental or related illness, or another licensed mental health professional identified by SUMH as specially qualified by training and at least five years’ continual experience in the treatment of mental or related illness.

Please note that there are separate criteria, processes, and forms for evaluating and placing children/adolescents!

Minimum standards to qualify as a DE in Utah

The applicant must possess the minimum qualifications:

  • Be a licensed physician or other licensed mental health professional as defined by UCA 58-60-103(1)(b), Mental Health Professional Practice Act
  • Be a resident of the State of Utah
  • Other licensed mental health professionals must have 5 years continual experience, post licensure, in the treatment of mental (or related) illness
  • Demonstrate a complete and thorough understanding of abnormal psychology and abnormal behavior
  • Attend the Designated Examiner Certification Training and pass a knowledge assessment examination

Civil commitment information/forms

Court ordered AOT forms

Designated Examiner certification/refresher training

For questions or registration support, please contact: email [email protected].